Monday 9 April 2018

Educational Visits Enhance Learning

Memories of school educational visits are among the most famous issues that take place during schooling.  Visits can break the routine for both students and teachers. While their purpose is essentially to educate, they can also be a fun experience for everyone involved. One of the everlasting visits is to PandaPlast Company during  my last year as a chemistry student at LIU. The project consisted of visit to PandaPlast company and collecting the information about the practices being followed there to get a deep insight into plastic material production (like storage tanks, polypropylene pipes and equipment for public uses..) and to know about the important role that company plays in manufacturing plastics with good quality. Finally, we concluded that this company ensures a good quality of plastic items for daily use. Moreover, the production techniques are done with high accuracy and quick time. The purpose was to provide appropriate information about the various steps of plastic material synthesis and the mode of action of processes followed by the PandaPlast Company. 

This visit had many benefits in which it:
  •  Reinforced what the teacher had been teaching in class about a plastic synthesis and helped us as students to understand the topic better.
  •  Provided valuable educational opportunities away from the classroom without using textbooks and other tools used in a normal classroom setting.
  •  Helped to experience new educational environments and create joyful memories with the teacher.