
I would like to share my e-portfolio done in one of my previous education courses (EDIT250). This portfolio includes all my work as a chemistry student. In this Portfolio you can find:

1) Science Test:
It is my first science test done for grade 2 students. The test includes variety of questions including:
  • Labeling 
  • Multiple choice questions
  • True or false 
  • Listing
  • Filling an organizer
You can view the test by clicking on "Test" button below:

2) PowerPoint:
  • This lesson is a PowerPoint presentation about photosynthesis steps and mechanism done for grade 4 students. 
  • It includes interaction games, videos and different types of questions (multiple choice, matching, labeling...) which help students to interact and understand easily.
 You can view the PowerPoint by clicking on "PPT" button below:
3) Poster: 
Poster about photosynthesis is for grade 4 students. It explains the process of photosynthesis.
 You can view the Poster by clicking on "Poster" button below:
4) Newsletter:
This was the first issue of our monthly newsletter where parents can easily now keep in touch with teachers and stay updated with their children's activities.
 You can view the Newsletter by clicking on "Newsletter" button below:
5) Infograph:
The infograph contains some statistics and advice about healthy eating and its methods. Students as well as parents must be informed how to follow a healthy plate .
 You can view the Infograph by clicking on "Infograph" button below:

1 comment:

  1. Oh Omar! it seems that we have took the same course. It was very benificial one indeed. Actually, its the foundation for our recent course EDUC560. We did lots of enjoyable activities. It was a blast!
