During my scroll through the web, I find an article by Julian Treasure. This article talks about how people can speak and make people carefully listen to the. This directly applies for teachers in classrooms because everyone of them needs students listening to them and not only hearing them. Julian stated the seven deadly sins of speaking:
1) Gossip, one of the worst habits people can have. It's important to know that teacher gossiping about another teacher will be perfectly gossiping on you five minutes late.
2) Judging,students who see their teacher judging, they find it hard to listen because they know that someday they are being judged inappropriately.

3) Negativity, negative teachers can greatly affect students who eventually find it hard to listen when somebody's that negative.
4) Complaining, most of teachers complain about schooling on its different sides and students usually never listen for people who's not spreading sunshine in the world.
5) Excuses, its very hard to listen for those who don't take responsibilities on their actions and all they do is trying to pass it on to everybody else.
6) Penultimate or exaggeration, teachers must be careful how to call things when they are really awesome because over expressing can make listeners lose their trust which turns out to be lying.
7) Dogmatism, when somebody such as a teacher is bombarding students with his/her opinions as if they are always true, students see it difficult to listen.

In addition to that, Julian suggested that professional speakers take into consideration the importance of human voice when they carefully pay attention to their voice's pace, prosody, timbre, pitch and volume. She finally ends saying " We speak not very well into people who simply aren't listening in an environment that's all about noise and acoustics".