Saturday 3 March 2018

Webinar: Encouraging Physical Activity in Preschoolers

The attended webinar was under the title “Encouraging Physical Activity in Preschoolers” by Dr. Steve Sanders. Dr. Sanders emphasized on the locomotors that first develop naturally within kids starting at the age of three months when infants are capable of changing their bodies then crawling at the age of 1 year.
Not only motor skills are important for physical movement of kids, but also toddlers who develop strong base of motor skills tend to be more physically active as adults. One important study has shown that placing infants on their stomach and not on their back positions scores higher motor development. Also, traveling skills have a great impact on social and language development of infants in which their language becomes more productive when they make the transition from crawling to walking.
In addition to that, the professor talked about movement concepts which include: space awareness relates to space, directions, levels and pathways; effort awareness is related to time, force and control of movement and body awareness relates the body parts, roles, locations and body shapes. In schools, locomotor activities must be practiced everyday by giving children some hints for each skill and placing them in different situations. For example chasing, fleeing and dodging activities are very important in which each of them can be practiced differently. 

For example, tag game is very popular in this domain in which children can be practiced in schools. Before starting, tell students about safe tagging and that this game does not exclude any children when being tagged.
Then present some guidelines such as the player who gets tagged immediately freezes. Then to unfreeze this player, there are several game variations such as name tag, tunnel tag, high five tag and math tag….  Such games, children practice traveling skills along with having experience with movement concepts.


  1. Thank you for sharing such valuable information!

  2. i like this webinar, games are important to the growth of our children not only physically but also mentally One idea that attracted my attention is the emergence of some specific traveling skills may have influence on language development, so walking infants show more vocabularies than crawling infants.

  3. You have provided relevant information that are essential to the teaching process.Ithink all teachers of nursery as well as kindergarten must consider reading your post and taking it into consideration.It is essential for them to adapt certain strategies to orient their classroom .Also It helps in teaching students especially young learners these strategies thus enchancing their performance .

  4. I attended the same webinar, I felt it is a base for teaching kids and toddlers, I think schools should plan for teaching this skill and every teacher should be qualified after attending and applying information from such skill studies

  5. Thank you Omar for sharing these valuable information with us. We, as future teachers, can help them stay active as they grow by providing instructions in physical skills and challenging them to improve their skills.

  6. A healthy mind is in a healthy body.

  7. that's interesting. I guess we should all as teacher work on this point, most kids learn while they move. Thank you for sharing your information :)

  8. Nice, activities gives children a chance to learn something new and to share what they are learning. Also, its promote their healthy growth and development. It gapes students' attention and increases the flowing of the blood to the brain. So, teacher should work at this point.

  9. I love your attitude towards the domain of teaching! A Very strong and powerful start. I can see that you are a person who is willing to work hard and prosper.
    Best of luck my friend!
