Tuesday 13 March 2018

Importance of Doing Expeiments

In one of our courses, we were asked to do observations of Science class, the session I observed was a lab work in which students were divided into groups and each of them performed the experiment asked by the teacher.  As a chemistry teacher, one of her main objectives in the lesson was to do experiments so the material would be easier to understand when they are demonstrated in front of the students. 

This made learning chemistry more interesting, curious and understanding.  Research agrees that a session of laboratory work is important, in which teacher’s target is to develop students understanding about the way scientific facts are proven, with some expectation that they will understand the science content included in experiments. This was a successful technique from both cognitive and effective sides. Moreover, doing experiments can greatly promote the development of scientific thinking in students. Instead of making the students memorize the facts, they are made to think and understand things and the world around them. This was proved when students seemed very interactive and excited to work. The point the teacher was trying to make was that when students think about science in an abstract way they also have the idea that experiments are at the core of the scientific method.


  1. Doing experiments help students to develop their critical thinking and allow them to apply what they have learned.

  2. Hands on activities make students more engaged and attentive throughout the session. Surely, when students did the experiment they were able to understand better the lesson because they were able to apply what they have learned.

  3. Such a nice experience Omar! You are right doing experiments will engage students to focus better and make them experience their lesson. In our school days that was something impossible to happen, but nowadays our schools are developing more and more.

  4. first thing, I would like to thank this teacher that you observed her class because of she motivates her students to make an experiment on their own, and as you mentioned, research agrees that a session of laboratory work is important, this idea I would like to concentrate on it because many schools which are equipped with laboratories and these laboratories are filled with every material that any experiment needs, but unfortunately many teachers didn't take their students to the laboratories so the idea of the experiment remains abstract to the students.
    omar, really you deserve the best, I am sure that you will be like that teacher and best.

  5. In the subject i teach, doing experiments is very important and the students always remember and never forget what they do in the class by their hands.

  6. Doing experiments is always essential for the student's engagement and reaching full understanding in any subject, and as teachers we need to develop our knowledge in order to apply the right task in the right context to achieve the understanding we desire.

  7. Especially in science classes, studies show that learning by doing experiments help students perform better. By experiments, students are more encouraged to talk and learn about what they see, observe, taste, feel, hear... Also experiments stimulate the students' curiosity and many questions. So this way leads to a deeper understanding.
